Don't you just hate it when you find pants that would look perfect on you, but it's just not the right length? Of course, you can take it to a tailor and have it tailored and shortened to fit your legs, but that's just a waste of money. Why not learn how to do it at home? You might have some trouble when you're first starting off, but as you continue to practice the same thing over and over, you'll finally get the hang of it. Here's how to tailor your pants by yourself but with the same tailor made effect as the pros.
Here are the things you will need: seam rippers, a sewing machine (or if you have time, simply a needle and thread), and a tape measure.
1) First, you should plan how you're going to change your jeans. Write down all your ideas on a piece of paper, and once you find a setting that you will like, draw it out. Visualizing before the actual tearing helps.
2) Once you decide to start, start ripping out the places that you are going to change first. You can take a seam ripper for the seamed parts, or simply use your hands if you are careful enough.
3) Once you've done that, start measuring out the new pieces that you are going to sew onto your jeans. Make sure you use a tape measure to be precise, and have an outline when you're cutting so that you get the exact shape. One tip when you're cutting, cut at the cuffs so you keep them intact and you can simply attach them whole afterwards.
4) Once you've cut them out, start sewing them on. Start off slowly because you'd rather have a good pair of jeans instead of saving yourself hours but losing out on 40 dollars worth.
5) Once you've done that, you can make your own patches by taking an x-acto knife and running through them sideways. Then take an item with a hooked end and start pulling at them little by little to get a nice effect. Or you can take sandpaper to your jeans and get a worn out effect. It's all up to you on how you want to make them look.
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